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How to Make Aspheric Lenses


Optical Design

We design optical systems to meet customer’s specifications from selecting glass materials to design of lens and lens units.


Precision die and preforms

We manufacture molding dies made of special alloys and ceramics which withstand high temperatures. Ultraprecision technical expertise is required to grind surfaces of metal dies to implement optical designs in a nano-order. Then, we prepare polished near-net shape preforms for precision molding.



After setting preforms on a molding die, we press the preforms while heating at 300 to 700 degree Celsius until the preforms get soften. Then, anneal the pressed preforms, and aspheric shaped glasses are taken out of the molding die.



Lenses are coated upon request (e.g. anti-reflect coating).



Lenses are inspected with the following measurement instruments.

Instruments Made by Models Number Measurement contents
3-D Profilometer Panasonic UA3P-4 1 Surface form of aspheric lens
Panasonic UA3P-300 1 Surface form of aspheric lens
Panasonic UA3P-400T 1 Surface form of aspheric lens
Laser Interferometer FUJIFILM F601 2 Form measurement of spherical lenses
FUJIFILM FI251N 1 Form measurement of small spherical lenses
Optical centration measurement and alignment instrument Trioptics OptiCentric 3D 2 Centration, center thickness and air gap of optical systems
Trioptics OptiCentric MOT 1 Centration, center thickness and air gap of optical systems
3D Laser scanning microscope Keyence VK-X200 1 Non-contact dimensional measurement
Measuring microscope Mitutoyo MF 1 Dimensional measurement
Keyence IM-6700-6225 1 Dimensional measurement
Spectrophotometer Jasco V-700 1 Transmittance
MTF Test station Trioptics Image Master HR 1 MTF, relative illumination, chief ray angle, distortion
Instruments Made by Models Number Measurement contents
3-D Profilometer Panasonic UA3P-4 1 Surface form of aspheric lens
Panasonic UA3P-300 1 Surface form of aspheric lens
Panasonic UA3P-400T 1 Surface form of aspheric lens
Laser Interferometer FUJIFILM F601 2 Form measurement of spherical lenses
FUJIFILM FI251N 1 Form measurement of small spherical lenses
Optical centration measurement and alignment instrument Trioptics OptiCentric 3D 2 Centration, center thickness and air gap of optical systems
Trioptics OptiCentric MOT 1 Centration, center thickness and air gap of optical systems
3D Laser scanning microscope Keyence VK-X200 1 Non-contact dimensional measurement
Measuring microscope Mitutoyo MF 1 Dimensional measurement
Keyence IM-6700-6225 1 Dimensional measurement
Spectrophotometer Jasco V-700 1 Transmittance
MTF Test station Trioptics Image Master HR 1 MTF, relative illumination, chief ray angle, distortion
01Opt. Designing
02Mold MFG